Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012

It's been a while ago, I know..

..But here I go! I'm so sorry, but I kinda totally forgot blogging for the last half year :x

First of all, Happy Valentinsday! ♥

Now about my last half year:
A lot of thinks happened, most of them were good :)
The newest thing is that I'm invited from a Scout to a modelageny..
The next weeks I'll go there, and I really hope, it will work! :)

So here I have a look for you:

Please make sure to check my blog the next days.. 
I'm going to post more looks then :)

Hope you forgive me for didn't posting anything for a while...

Love you!!!

xxxx Lena

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Lena,

    Nice blog. We love it

    We’ve been taking note of your style and we've come to be wonderfully addicted to it.
    We'd like to invite you as our 1st group of fashionista to join WhatIWear in a conquest to inspire the world,changing one wardrobe at a time.

    Click HERE to become a member - www.whatiwear.com
    Or check our blog at blog.whatiwear.com

    Here are some members who have already joined us.
    Anastasia Siantar - brownplatform.com
    Andree Judd - avantgardien.tumblr.com
    Willabell Ong - paledivision.blogspot.com
    Marie Hamm - themavenpost.blogpost.com
    Paris & London - themadtwins.blogspot.com
    Alyssa Lau - theordinarypeoples.blogspot.com
    Nadine Drexler - whengreengrasswasyellowonpictures.com
    White Lace - whitelace.ro
    Becka Häggblom - sunshineinnorth.blogspot.com
    Michalina Z - stook-pook.blogspot.com
    Jessica C - westmountfashionista.com
    Claradevi Handriatmadja - luce-dale.com
